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Wallpad C7 weiß Glas Panel Touch-Sensor Wandleuchte Schalter kratzfest, Empfindliche - 3 Gang 2 Way - violett

von Sinlone
Preisvergleich Produktbild Wallpad C7 weiß Glas Panel Touch-Sensor Wandleuchte Schalter kratzfest, Empfindliche - 3 Gang 2 Way - violett
We sold almost one million pieces of this series switches in China since we started to make it. Each piece of switch is tested by our special machine before shipping. STABLE, LONG LIFE and SENSITIVE!

PRODUCT FEATURE You can find White, Black, Gold, Purple and Pink 5 colors in our store to match your wall color.

With red back LED light ON and blue back LED light OFF.

Compatible for any lamp or on/off device from 0.1W to 1000W.

All of C7 2 way switches can be used as intermediate switches.Please contact us if you need help when wiring and setting

Wide voltage compatible : Rated Voltage from 110V AC to 250V AC with 50-60Hz frequency.

30,000V Surge resistance

Water-proof panel can be touched by wet hand.

100,000 times long life.

Standard UK mounting size, 35mm back box required.

Null line required to work, please ask an electrician to finish the installation.

Caution: Please DO NOT put the glass panel on when the power is on. Cut the power off then install the glass panel, or the switch will not work properly.

Back base size: 60mm*60mm, need UK standard 35mm deep back box.
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