Home » Preisvergleich » Baumarkt » Elektroinstallation » EAN 0193679640711

Zweischichtige, kompakte, kompakte Standfuß-Steckdose mit Steckdosenleiste

von JullyeleDEgant
Preisvergleich Produktbild Zweischichtige, kompakte, kompakte Standfuß-Steckdose mit Steckdosenleiste
This Two-Layer Vertical Stand Socket Outlet Plug has gradually been accepted by wide customers.
Due to its ubiquitous application, it has been an essential appliance in our daily life.
This kind of plug is different from the conventional one, because it is designed in a fashionable and creative way.
High quality multiple-cable, safe and reliable
Made of advanced flame-resisting materials, high temperature resistant
Vertical type enables it to stand steadily on the floor or on the desk.
Except that, it has two layers, with separated switch on each layer, which ensures absolute security.
At the same time, along with a foundation, you can roll the cable up and store it inside.
Only takes up vertical space, saving floor space, suitable for office and home

Con... brand new
Quantity: 1pc
Color: pink

Package Content :
1 x Power Strip
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