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Szumisie My Hummy schlafendes Maskottchen mit Einschlafhilfe Schlaf Sensor und Nonstop Modus Filbert

von Szumisie
Preisvergleich Produktbild Szumisie My Hummy schlafendes Maskottchen mit Einschlafhilfe Schlaf Sensor und Nonstop Modus Filbert
NEW in the Deutchland! Szumisie is a Polish version of the brand MyHummy and both are manufactured by the same polish company. Playful during daytime and soothing at nap time, Filbert is a reliable and smart sleep aid for babies. Intelligent Sleep Sensor will turn the white noise on again when baby starts to wake up. You can also use it in a non-stop mode for 12 hours of uninterrupted humming. Filbert emits 5 types of white noise resembling: a hairdryer, vacuum cleaner, rainfall, ocean waves and amniotic fluid with heartbeat. Made of top quality materials which babies love to touch, squeeze, hug and suck on! The white noise device is securely located in a zip pocket and is operated with one click. Packaging contains wording in Polish. Box includes instructions in English. MADE IN POLAND to the highest EU standards.
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