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2 x 50 G. Barleria lupulina Thai Herbal Spa Balm Relief Muscular Pain Aches

von Mo Chalerm Wangprom
Preisvergleich Produktbild 2 x 50 G. Barleria lupulina Thai Herbal Spa Balm Relief Muscular Pain Aches
Mo Chalerm Wangprom
50 G. Barleria lupulina Thai Herbal Spa Balm Relief Muscular Pain Aches SwellingThis item is popular like international famous brand . It is in the top-pick from shelf at world class department stores in Bangkok Thailand.Barleria lupulina were perfectly contained with special components which has creates an effective and fast healing to muscular pain, inflammatory and analgesic from insect bite. Furthermore, it will stop rheumatism which was found in most old people.What are the components of Barleria lupulinaThere are many active constituents.Scutellarein-7-rhamnosyl glucoside; acetylbarlerin; 6-O-acetylshanzhiside methylester; 8-O-acetyl-6-O-trans-p-coumaroylshanz... saletpangponosides A-C and 8-O-acetylmussaenoside; ipolamiidoside; barlerin; shanzhiside methyl ester; mussaenosidic acid; 8-O-acetylshanzhiside; and shanzhisideIn the spring and summer your kids and you too are more likely to be outside barefoot or rolling and playing in the grass. Getting an insect bite or sting can put an end to these happy go lucky times. This quick and easy bug bite and sting natural remedy never fails to work and to get the kids back on track for more outdoor adventures.
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