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Ludi 10005 Plattendecke aus Schaumstoff, Touch, Tiermotive

Preisvergleich Produktbild Ludi 10005 Plattendecke aus Schaumstoff, Touch, Tiermotive
The trademark LUDI was born in 1992 with its famous foam play mat which it has not hesitated to improve! Today LUDI continues to innovate and to propose its colors and its astuteness in the world of toys and childcare. Of French conception, LUDI applies its expertise on an international level. Curious and reactive, it endeavors to bring real added values as much to the children as their parents. LUDI is bursting with imagination and observes life and living and adds its personal touch. The result is better and smarter products, giving even more to children and parents. The inflatable early learning playmat combines comfort with pleasure in play, the nomad range allows them to have fun between two little naps, the playmat which also protects them from the sun Theres always the extra good idea which simplifies life and makes life better!
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