With most airlines, babies under 2 years of age don't generally get their own seat on an aeroplane. SkyBaby is a compact pillow and mattress, and is useful in helping them to be more comfortable on your knee. It is designed to work with the airline infant belt, or can be used without it. Being lightweight and compact, it fits nicely into hand luggage, or the bag provided allows SkyBaby to be clipped externally to something else, e.g. the nappy bag. SkyBaby is fully washable and passes BS EN ISO: 12952: Part 1. SkyBaby is 56cm long (the width of the average airline seat) and 29 cm wide, and can be used from birth. SkyBaby can be used for babies of differing ages, depending on the size of your child and whether they will be happy to take a nap on your knee. www.sky-baby.co.uk
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