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Dynomighty Mighty Tyvek Wallet Brieftasche - CHARACTERTASTIC by Wotto - Water, Stain & Tear Resistant

von Dynomighty
Preisvergleich Produktbild Dynomighty Mighty Tyvek Wallet Brieftasche - CHARACTERTASTIC by Wotto - Water, Stain & Tear Resistant

"Wotto creates a pocketful of colorful characters that are both quirky & cute and sometimes dark & grumpy.

The Mighty Wallet® is tear-resistant, water-resistant, expandable and recyclable. Made from Tyvek® (think express mail envelopes), these cool wallets resist tearing because of thousands of interlocking plastic fibers spun in random patterns, giving them incredible strength.

The ingenious origami construction was and is the original folded paper wallet designed by Terrence Kelleman. The stitch less design reinforces the materials own strength and allows these very slim wallets to instantly expand and adapt to your own personal storage needs. The Mighty Wallet® will expand right before your eyes.

Because of the slim, lightweight and water resistant features, you can take these cool wallets anywhere. They make great ""night out"" wallets for a slender silhouette and the writable surface conveniently acts as a quick note pad on the go.

In time, the Mighty Wallet® will gradually soften and patina but, even after years of wear, it will still offer surprise and solicit intrigue."

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