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Bosch 4035 Spark Plug

von Bosch
Preisvergleich Produktbild Bosch 4035 Spark Plug
This item will fit specific models of Chevrolet, Dodge, Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen. Please ensure correct part fitment before purchasing this product. Contact the seller directly for additional product information and availability.Spark Plug. Platinum Plus Spark Plug. Bosch Platinum Spark Plugs are the newest member of the Bosch OE fine wire spark plug family. From the brand trusted in the worlds most advanced engines Bosch Platinum Spark Plugs are engineered to provide you with improved ignitability and performance. The OE fine wire platinum design delivers optimum fit and function for 2x longer service life compared to standard copper plugs.Bosch is a globally recognized manufactures of tools auto parts and equipment in a wide variety of industries and is respected for their quality and innovation
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